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SummerKeys: The Mary Potterton Memorial Concert Series

SummerKeys: The Mary Potterton Memorial Concert Seriesview larger photo Mary watching a young pianist. Summerkeys

June, July, August


Location: Congregational Christian Church, Lubec

A series of free concerts by Summerkeys faculty for the enjoyment of the community.

Concert Schedule 2023

June 14 (John Newell – piano, Ina Litera – Viola, Matt Goeke – Cello)

June 21 (Bruce Potterton - Piano)

June 28 (Gregory Biss – Piano & Friends)

July 5 (Halcyon DUO – Eve Friedman – Flute, Roberto Pace – Piano)

July 12 (David Alpher & Jennie Litt – Cabaret)

July 19 (Charles Jones – Piano)

July 26 (Faculty Chamber Concert No 1)

August 2 (Faculty Chamber Concert No 2)

August 9 (Andrea Maurer – Flute, Richard McIntyre – Piano)

August 16 (Haley Hewitt, Celtic Harp; Andrea Hoag, Fiddle )

August 23 (Peter Lewy, Cello; Richard McIntyre - Piano)

All concerts are open to the public with free admission
All concerts on Wednesdays evening.

The Mary Potterton Memorial Concert Series 2023
In Dedication
Mary Potterton

Mary Potterton (1905-1993) came from a musical family; Papa played the trombone, brother John, the violin and she the piano, while Oogi Wa-Wa (the cat) sang along (“Only I never would practice after your Grandpa bought the Player-Piano; that put my nose out of joint!”) Ever fascinated with the concept of SummerKeys, she helped it begin and always loved to hear everything about it. The fruits of her interest live on in this beautiful summer-place for music, and in a series of concerts offered to the community in her memory.

— Her Loving Son —
Bruce Potterton, 1998

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